
Grasslands around Pune are a treasure trove of wildlife, for those who are willing to look! The habitat offers some exciting sightings such as the elusive jungle cat, Indian foxes, Indian wolves and sometimes striped hyena. In herbivores, Chinkaras are most frequently seen. Our off-roading vehicle and the team of wildlife experts helps you spot the animal and take most beautiful shot without disturbing the individual. We leave the city before the sunrise and reach the grasslands just when the dawn breaks so that we can witness the wildlife waking up while enjoying a cup of hot tea. The mornings are spent admiring the beautiful birds that are a mix of migratory and local species (season specific). Most of the time we are on constant move exploring the vast grasslands. The day concludes by the dusk with many beautiful memories.



Arrive at the grasslands just before the sunrise and witness the wildlife wakeup from their slumber with the rising sun. Enjoy a hot cup of tea/coffee. Start exploring the grasslands till breakfast.

Enjoy breakfast with a view of the grasslands. The breakfast is packed into individual boxes for each participant and is full of healthy and tasty components. Spend the rest of the morning exploring the grasslands.

Enjoy lunch. Post lunch Spend the afternoon looking for raptors.

As the sun starts its Westward journey, expect to see the exclusive grassland dwellers. Have tea/coffee and depart for Pune. 

Tour Accommodation


What's included

  • Travel

  • Food

  • Expertise

What's excluded

  • GST 5%

  • Anything not mentioned in includes

Things to carry

  • Comfortable clothes

  • Camera and binoculars (Optional)

  • Rain ware and rain cover for camera

  • Shoes

  • Cap

  • Dry snacks

  • Water bottle

  • Personal medicines (If any)


  • start
  • start: September 22, 2024
    end: September 22, 2024
    status: 3 seats left
    price: ₹3200
  • start: September 29, 2024
    end: September 29, 2024
    status: 3 seats left
    price: ₹3200